Thursday, September 25, 2008

Banished with Lieberman

Sen. Clinton-
I am a white, female, 49 years old. I have voted with the Democratic party for 31 years. I supported you in the primary, got a book signed in Louisburg, NC by your husband.I am very angry with Mr. Clinton on several levels. His lukewarm support of Sen. Obama on Larry King, and the View last week for one. Now giving McCain a free campaign ad at the Clinton Global Initative this morning- appalling, completely unacceptable, a slap in the face to the Democratic Party as well as Barack Obama. Lieberman is not the only traitor, your husband and by association yourself are now in that camp. Is the plan to undercut Obama so you can run in 2012? Im begining to think so.You can not win without the support of true Democratic women black, white, and hispanic. I promise you we will not forget what your husband has done. The President I most admired, defended vorificiously during the Lewinski debacle, and who quite frankly swayed me to vote for you when he spoke in my town this summer is now persona non grata in my opinion. If Obama loses, a large chunk of the blame will go to you both, and I will do everything in my power to see you do not become the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2012 or 2016. I can guarantee you will not succeed in NC. Sen. Obama's grass roots organization has far reaching tentacles and we will not be dismantled after Nov.4. We have been given a real voice for the first time and do not plan on relinquishing it. Once again your husband's behavior has demeaned you, perhaps this time destroying your political career. That signed book? In the trash along with your husbands reputation.
Linda Maggio
Blue Dogs for Democracy NC

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