Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Don't Believe It

Women of America, have I so badly misread or overestimated my gender? I am not going to believe the polls prediction that we are abandoning the Democratic Party to support Sarah Palin. I will not, because if it is true it means that we are voting on sex, not policy. I will not accept that we would actually live up to a stereotype formulated by men, one which says we are not capable of rational thought, that we are hormone driven, emotional, and incapable of running business or country. Voting for McCain because you like Palin, not based on her political opinions but because she is female means the sexist theory is true. If you believe in Democratic principles, if you were voting for Barack Obama, if you supported Hillary Clinton, how could you renounce what they stand for, or compare their ideals to that of Sarah Palin? I do not believe modern American women, working or not, college students, home educators, grandmothers, and mothers are that shallow. I refuse to accept the thought that women in America would jeopardize all that we have achieved for the sake of seeing ANY female in the White house.

The Republican Party is focusing on Sarah the woman rather than Palin the politician for good reason- if she were male you would never vote for her!! Try this- close your eyes and reflect on the issues that Palin is in favor of: No Abortion No How, No Way. Secession of Alaska from the US. Teaching creationism in public schools as a science requirement rather than a religious elective. No stem cell research. Offering abstinence as the only form of birth control available to teens. Expressed interest in the mechanics of banning books from public libraries. Represents and supports John McCain and the Republican Party, the engineers of the current disastrous economic and international policies.


Do the right thing American Woman, Democrat, Independent, and disillusioned Republican alike. Show the nation as well as our daughters that we are capable of rational decisions, women are not hormonally handicapped, and we are aware, concerned, and focused on the issues facing our country. Prove once and for all that WE WILL NOT BE FOOLED by the patronizing and blatantly pandering techniques represented by this false prize John McCain dangles before us.

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