Friday, September 5, 2008

UH OH Barracuda

Heart's "Barracuda" is perfect for Palin and the Republican Party:

"No right No wrong, selling a song, a name, whisper game.
Well if the real thing won't do the trick you better make up something quick, you're gonna burn burn burn burn to the wick, Oh Baracuda!"

Can anyone think of a better mantra for the GOP!! I ROFL when they played at at the RNC (in between bad 80's disco music) Im sure Karl Rove never heard the lyric's, guess this one slipped past him. Sorta like Bush and the WMD claim that fueled the start of the Iraq war. Just another example of how badly the GOP has managed America and how they will continue this comedy of errors should they win in Novemeber. It is mind boggling that so many people still continue to support the GOP, (altho the numbers are shrinking). How can they deny that McCain = Bush when the same people who PUT Bush in the Whitehouse are trying to do the same for McCain?? Hopefully independants will not ignore this and that they will recognize the hypocrisy of the McCain claim to change, a strategy they effected only after they saw how well it was working for Obama. The GOP is so stressed out they cant even come up with an original campaign platform to run on.

John McCain said last night "Obama's health plan will put a bureaucrat between you and your doctor". I'd like to ask Sen. McCain "How's that thing with the bureaucrat working out anyway? Do you like yours?" After all Obama is offering us a chance to have the same health care plan as Congress so I figure McCain should be able to tell me what its like. I have not heard him complaining about his health care coverage so I guess its no big deal. I think its wonderful that the McCains adopted a sick infant and that she was provided with American health care to save her life. What I wonder tho, was she on McCain's congressional health insurance plan when she received treatment? I don't mind one bit that I may have helped pay for her care, even though I didn't have health insurance at the time. I am however angry that John McCain wants to deny me the ability to share in that same health insurance plan now!! Im not asking for a free ride, I will pay my premiums, all Im asking for is the chance to share in an affordable health insurance plan.

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