Friday, September 5, 2008

Who are the Republicans Really Fooling?

Good Morning

Now that both of the conventions are over it is time to concentrate on the desparate and irrational tactics of the Republicans. Since it is obvious that America has rejected George Bush and the party he represents, the Republican base cast about in dismay searching for a way to mislead voters as to what the right really represents. Unable to find anything suitable, and seeing how positively people were responding to Barack Obama's message, the Republican Party quickly decided that they too would promote their candidate as a representative of "change".

Sen. John McCain is a hero, no one disputes that and we are grateful for his military service, as we are to all our soldiers through out the world. He did buck his party with the McCain-Feingold legislation that reformed campaign finance. Beyond this, exactly how can McCain present himself as an advocate of change?? The change we need is not reform within the Republican party, it is the complete ouster of these people. John McCain's idea of change is to give Joe Lieberman a cabinet post, and appoint more conservative judges to the Supreme Court- thats the change he's talking about. John McCain's idea of change is to choose as his running mate someone so far to the right that the only people she appeals to are the Evangelists. The Republican party is so anti-change that McCain could only unify his core base by choosing someone who is the embodiment of ultra conservative politics. This is not change, this is a consolidation of the regime which has controlled our country for the past 8 years!

Corruption in politics is not the major issue in America today, but if it is the huge problem Republican's want us to believe then the obvious solution is to through the bums out! Republicans keep focusing on how badly Washington is broken but in typical fashion they gloss over the reason why- President George W. Bush, the man they supported for two terms with the same fervor they are putting behind John McCain! The face is different but the song remans the same. During the RNC Guilionni, Huckabee, Graham and others kept talking about "Liberals and uncontrolled spending". What liberals and the spending has all been done by the current administration! What I heard sounded like sound bites from speeches of the 1970's- this is not change it is recycling of the same old, worn out rhetoric. It is obvious that Republicans have no respect for the intelligence and common sense of Americans. The conservatives actually believe that no one will notice that they offer no original ideas or have any intention of implementing the real changes necessary to solve the challanges Americans face. They are so completely out of touch with real American hopes and values that they need to focus on compelling personal histories and avoid discussing the disturbing issues that threaten our nation. Their candidate is so not change that the Republicans are thrusting their VP nominee into the spotlight rather than John McCain. This is a blatent attemp to once again obscure the causes of a failed foreign policy, a negative economy, a health care crisis, lack of useful energy solutions and a host of other important issues we are facing today. They hope we will forget WHO is responsible for these failures in the past 8 years if they can distract us with a "Hot Chick" who sold a plane on Ebay and drives herself to work. That may play well in Alaska where men out number women 3 to 1, is awash in big oil money, and there hasn't been much exposure to what women in the lower 48 do every day, but the rest of us understand that what we don't need is 4 more years of a Republican in the Whitehouse.

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