A place to go to hear responses to government and events from real people. Wheels of change challanges Americans to take back our country and let our elected officals know what we expect of them. Lets Roll!!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Good Morning
Welcome to our world! Here you will be subjected to my thoughts and opnions about the political process in America and what we as the true owners of America can do to influence our nation.
I run a small farm in rural NC. I believe Americans face much more danger from within than we do from terrorism. Why? The Republican Party. I am tired of being badgered by the fear mongerers. I resent being told I'm in constant danger and John McCain is the only one who can protect me- what happened to George Bush, he was supposed to save me too.. They have controlled our policies for 8 years. Now we are asked to give the GOP four more years, that this time they REALLY mean change (keep an eye on McCains fingers). I want to expose the hypocrisy of the Republicans and release America from the chains of the ultra conservative elites. I want to end this conspiracy of terror that our current government is fostering upon us. Please join with me to return our country to the real Americans-YOU!
"We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, will kick the bums out"!!!
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