Thursday, September 25, 2008

Banished with Lieberman

Sen. Clinton-
I am a white, female, 49 years old. I have voted with the Democratic party for 31 years. I supported you in the primary, got a book signed in Louisburg, NC by your husband.I am very angry with Mr. Clinton on several levels. His lukewarm support of Sen. Obama on Larry King, and the View last week for one. Now giving McCain a free campaign ad at the Clinton Global Initative this morning- appalling, completely unacceptable, a slap in the face to the Democratic Party as well as Barack Obama. Lieberman is not the only traitor, your husband and by association yourself are now in that camp. Is the plan to undercut Obama so you can run in 2012? Im begining to think so.You can not win without the support of true Democratic women black, white, and hispanic. I promise you we will not forget what your husband has done. The President I most admired, defended vorificiously during the Lewinski debacle, and who quite frankly swayed me to vote for you when he spoke in my town this summer is now persona non grata in my opinion. If Obama loses, a large chunk of the blame will go to you both, and I will do everything in my power to see you do not become the Democratic Presidential candidate in 2012 or 2016. I can guarantee you will not succeed in NC. Sen. Obama's grass roots organization has far reaching tentacles and we will not be dismantled after Nov.4. We have been given a real voice for the first time and do not plan on relinquishing it. Once again your husband's behavior has demeaned you, perhaps this time destroying your political career. That signed book? In the trash along with your husbands reputation.
Linda Maggio
Blue Dogs for Democracy NC

Saturday, September 13, 2008

NY Times Article 9/12/08

Shameful use of an iconic American image, one of strength and self- sacrifice. Palin as Rosie the Riveter is insulting. Her politics and ethics are more representative of Ma Barker. It deeply offends me to see Rosie associated with this scheming and manipulative woman. What right does the Republican Party have to hi-jack this beloved symbol for use in their campaign of vituperation? American's remember the real values and spirit our Riveter represents. The only way Gov Palin can aspire to Rosie's legend is to have her egotistical head photoshopped over the inimitable original.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

In memory of September 11, 2001

Dear God all mighty please help the families and friends of the victims of 9/11 continue to heal their hearts and souls. May Jesus Christ through his grace help Americans and the world better understand his lessons of love and compassion. Thru Gods strength and love let us make tomorrow better than today. We bow our heads in sorrow and anguish and pray for the salvation of the world. Amen.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Don't Believe It

Women of America, have I so badly misread or overestimated my gender? I am not going to believe the polls prediction that we are abandoning the Democratic Party to support Sarah Palin. I will not, because if it is true it means that we are voting on sex, not policy. I will not accept that we would actually live up to a stereotype formulated by men, one which says we are not capable of rational thought, that we are hormone driven, emotional, and incapable of running business or country. Voting for McCain because you like Palin, not based on her political opinions but because she is female means the sexist theory is true. If you believe in Democratic principles, if you were voting for Barack Obama, if you supported Hillary Clinton, how could you renounce what they stand for, or compare their ideals to that of Sarah Palin? I do not believe modern American women, working or not, college students, home educators, grandmothers, and mothers are that shallow. I refuse to accept the thought that women in America would jeopardize all that we have achieved for the sake of seeing ANY female in the White house.

The Republican Party is focusing on Sarah the woman rather than Palin the politician for good reason- if she were male you would never vote for her!! Try this- close your eyes and reflect on the issues that Palin is in favor of: No Abortion No How, No Way. Secession of Alaska from the US. Teaching creationism in public schools as a science requirement rather than a religious elective. No stem cell research. Offering abstinence as the only form of birth control available to teens. Expressed interest in the mechanics of banning books from public libraries. Represents and supports John McCain and the Republican Party, the engineers of the current disastrous economic and international policies.


Do the right thing American Woman, Democrat, Independent, and disillusioned Republican alike. Show the nation as well as our daughters that we are capable of rational decisions, women are not hormonally handicapped, and we are aware, concerned, and focused on the issues facing our country. Prove once and for all that WE WILL NOT BE FOOLED by the patronizing and blatantly pandering techniques represented by this false prize John McCain dangles before us.

Friday, September 5, 2008

UH OH Barracuda

Heart's "Barracuda" is perfect for Palin and the Republican Party:

"No right No wrong, selling a song, a name, whisper game.
Well if the real thing won't do the trick you better make up something quick, you're gonna burn burn burn burn to the wick, Oh Baracuda!"

Can anyone think of a better mantra for the GOP!! I ROFL when they played at at the RNC (in between bad 80's disco music) Im sure Karl Rove never heard the lyric's, guess this one slipped past him. Sorta like Bush and the WMD claim that fueled the start of the Iraq war. Just another example of how badly the GOP has managed America and how they will continue this comedy of errors should they win in Novemeber. It is mind boggling that so many people still continue to support the GOP, (altho the numbers are shrinking). How can they deny that McCain = Bush when the same people who PUT Bush in the Whitehouse are trying to do the same for McCain?? Hopefully independants will not ignore this and that they will recognize the hypocrisy of the McCain claim to change, a strategy they effected only after they saw how well it was working for Obama. The GOP is so stressed out they cant even come up with an original campaign platform to run on.

John McCain said last night "Obama's health plan will put a bureaucrat between you and your doctor". I'd like to ask Sen. McCain "How's that thing with the bureaucrat working out anyway? Do you like yours?" After all Obama is offering us a chance to have the same health care plan as Congress so I figure McCain should be able to tell me what its like. I have not heard him complaining about his health care coverage so I guess its no big deal. I think its wonderful that the McCains adopted a sick infant and that she was provided with American health care to save her life. What I wonder tho, was she on McCain's congressional health insurance plan when she received treatment? I don't mind one bit that I may have helped pay for her care, even though I didn't have health insurance at the time. I am however angry that John McCain wants to deny me the ability to share in that same health insurance plan now!! Im not asking for a free ride, I will pay my premiums, all Im asking for is the chance to share in an affordable health insurance plan.

Who are the Republicans Really Fooling?

Good Morning

Now that both of the conventions are over it is time to concentrate on the desparate and irrational tactics of the Republicans. Since it is obvious that America has rejected George Bush and the party he represents, the Republican base cast about in dismay searching for a way to mislead voters as to what the right really represents. Unable to find anything suitable, and seeing how positively people were responding to Barack Obama's message, the Republican Party quickly decided that they too would promote their candidate as a representative of "change".

Sen. John McCain is a hero, no one disputes that and we are grateful for his military service, as we are to all our soldiers through out the world. He did buck his party with the McCain-Feingold legislation that reformed campaign finance. Beyond this, exactly how can McCain present himself as an advocate of change?? The change we need is not reform within the Republican party, it is the complete ouster of these people. John McCain's idea of change is to give Joe Lieberman a cabinet post, and appoint more conservative judges to the Supreme Court- thats the change he's talking about. John McCain's idea of change is to choose as his running mate someone so far to the right that the only people she appeals to are the Evangelists. The Republican party is so anti-change that McCain could only unify his core base by choosing someone who is the embodiment of ultra conservative politics. This is not change, this is a consolidation of the regime which has controlled our country for the past 8 years!

Corruption in politics is not the major issue in America today, but if it is the huge problem Republican's want us to believe then the obvious solution is to through the bums out! Republicans keep focusing on how badly Washington is broken but in typical fashion they gloss over the reason why- President George W. Bush, the man they supported for two terms with the same fervor they are putting behind John McCain! The face is different but the song remans the same. During the RNC Guilionni, Huckabee, Graham and others kept talking about "Liberals and uncontrolled spending". What liberals and the spending has all been done by the current administration! What I heard sounded like sound bites from speeches of the 1970's- this is not change it is recycling of the same old, worn out rhetoric. It is obvious that Republicans have no respect for the intelligence and common sense of Americans. The conservatives actually believe that no one will notice that they offer no original ideas or have any intention of implementing the real changes necessary to solve the challanges Americans face. They are so completely out of touch with real American hopes and values that they need to focus on compelling personal histories and avoid discussing the disturbing issues that threaten our nation. Their candidate is so not change that the Republicans are thrusting their VP nominee into the spotlight rather than John McCain. This is a blatent attemp to once again obscure the causes of a failed foreign policy, a negative economy, a health care crisis, lack of useful energy solutions and a host of other important issues we are facing today. They hope we will forget WHO is responsible for these failures in the past 8 years if they can distract us with a "Hot Chick" who sold a plane on Ebay and drives herself to work. That may play well in Alaska where men out number women 3 to 1, is awash in big oil money, and there hasn't been much exposure to what women in the lower 48 do every day, but the rest of us understand that what we don't need is 4 more years of a Republican in the Whitehouse.

Good Morning

Welcome to our world! Here you will be subjected to my thoughts and opnions about the political process in America and what we as the true owners of America can do to influence our nation.